RFK Junior and the Unspeakable

traumatized disinformer:
right about Kennedy assassinations,
dangerously wrong on public health

self-censored about the assassinations until 2013

more details

podcast and book about the intersection of New Age religions and far right politics, several episodes and a book chapter about Junior

Russ Baker supports understanding JFK assassination but not Junior's disinformation about Covid

Dr. David Gorski has exposed not-medicine lies for two decades, sometimes humorously

www.youtube.com/@DebunktheFunkwithDrWilson molecular biologist debunks anti-vax funk, including Junior's hoaxes

coverage of Junior's 2024 campaign

The Kennedy family always said in private the CIA killed Jack and Bobby. RFK (the original) suspected this immediately and for good reason: RFK knew the agency well and that its covert operations directorate was furious that

- JFK refused to invade Cuba during the 1961 Bay of Pigs or the 1962 Missile Crisis,
- was negotiating normalization of relations with Castro,
- had signed an order to start withdrawal from Vietnam, and
- called for an end to the nuclear arms race.

Bobby told trusted aides he planned to reopen the investigation if he won the presidency in 1968. RFK kept quiet in public about his plan, knowing the media would beat him up about it if he dared say anything. He was even challenged on the campaign trail by audiences to say what he really knew but declined to do so. Unfortunately, RFK's enemies in the national insecurity state did know that he planned to re-investigate if he gained the powers of the Presidency, and acted to ensure he would not win.

Junior knows this and kept silent about it until 2013, which is trauma inducing. But he needs therapy, not a narcissistic presidential campaign bankrolled by his family's enemies to cause chaos for the Democrats in order to get Trump elected.


Covid killed more US citizens than all wars since 1776, almost all unvaccinated. Viruses don't care about opinions.

"I do not believe that infectious disease is an enormous threat to human health."
- RFK Junior, June 27, 2023

if elected, he would tell the National Institutes of Health to stop studying infectious diseases:
"We're going to give infectious disease a break for about eight years." 
- RFK Junior, Nov. 3, 2023



Lawrence O'Donnell: RFK Jr.'s lies as House GOP witness have a Trumpian echo

from a fellow classmate who observed he was a lazy student who coasted on his family's connections and never studied science


MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell describes how "Kennedy privilege" allows Robert Kennedy Jr. to amplify his lies denouncing the work of scientists, physicians, and public health experts to the delight of Trump Republicans.


The Herman Cain Award highlights people who denied or downplayed Covid then died from the disease. Herman Cain was a black Republican Presidential candidate in 2012. He attended Trump's June 2020 rally in Tulsa, Oklahoma (near the site of the largest white supremacist riot against a black neighborhood in US history). Cain said masks were unnecessary and people were fed up with public health precautions. He caught Covid, spent a month in the hospital and then died. HCA is a warning to learn from his mistake.


Junior promoting crazy nonsense about the Nazi Holocaust


Del Bigtree, wearing the yellow star in the photo below, is a leading anti-vaxxer who is now (2024) the communications director for the RFK Junior Presidential campaign.

related websites:

JFKMLKRFK.com - by Mark Robinowitz - updated April 24, 2024